Although genetic disposition may play a role in determining certain diseases, good health is not simply the absence of disease but complete physical and mental well being. Living healthy involves key essential components, earmarked to an individual’s lifestyle. Rebuilding your life today for tomorrow is your best defense against ill health. The way in which we live taking into account factors such as diet, exercise, stress levels, sleep and emotional outlook will either prevent or cause an illness.
A healthy balanced diet with the correct proportions of specific types of food will elevate the health of the whole family. A diet too high in protein, saturated animal fat, vegetable fat and sugar, will sludge up the body and lay the ground work for future illnesses. Over consumption of certain foods especially refined and fatty foods, lead to conditions such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, heart disease and gallbladder disease.
Within the family structure, parents must deal with the nutrient robbing foods which compromises a child’s growth during their formative years. Between the age of twelve and twenty five, the majority of our bones are formed. To ensure against osteoporosis in later life, monitor your child’s sugar and pop intake for it leaches calcium from the body. If your child does not like vegetables, or has a problem with dairy, consider supplementing their diet with a good quality vitamin and mineral product.
Recent news tells us that the amino acid Tyrosine is found in low amounts in people from the early age of 19. Newer information also tells us that 20% of thyroid gland function depends on Probiotics (friendly bacteria).
Diet and Lifestyle Suggestions
Whole Foods
Whole foods should form the bulk of a balanced diet. Important sources of essential nutrients are found in whole grain bread and gluten free versions found in (baked goods, cereals and pasta), nuts, seeds, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to eat fruit and vegetables in season to get the most nutrition from them. Fruit is especially useful after a season of winter foods – being very helpful in assisting cleansing processes in the body.
Raw Juices
Vegetable juices are the builders (more minerals) while fruit juices are cleansers and a great source of vitamins. Vegetable juices are higher in minerals, and many other chemical elements. The green leafy vegetables have considerable cleansing power in the form of chlorophyll. This juice extracted from green leaves is one of the most effective, detoxifiers known to man.
Meat and poultry are good sources of protein but should not be eaten excessively because they contain saturated fat and high in phosphorus. Eating fish twice a week is a healthy choice especially oily varieties like mackerel, also ocean fish with scales and fins. Eggs are an excellent source of protein. Cheese and butter are high in saturated fat and salt and should be eaten in moderation. Margarine and other hydrogenated fats are not included in a healthy diet plan.
*Note: Butter is by far healthier than cheese when examining all the types of fat they contain.
Limit Sugar and Starch
If you have any bad habits, try not to indulge in them more than once a week; ideally not at all. Sweet foods such as cakes, cookies, chocolate and pastries are high in calories and bad fats with basically no nutritional value. In addition, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and aspartame products should be avoided.
Super Foods for Lasting Health
Whole foods that provide a wide spectrum of nutrients naturally concentrated are classified as super foods. These include algae, bee pollen, nutritional yeast, seaweeds, berries, alkaline dairy culture, nuts and seeds.
Blue and Green Algae
Algae, is the first link in the food chain benefiting man with a unique and complete food source. Besides providing us with much of the oxygen we breathe, algae possesses two components, (RNA/DNA factors and all amino acids) that land plants do not. Algae benefits weight loss while boosting energy. The appetite is curbed when the body receives all of the nutrients necessary for good health without additional calories.
Sea Plants
Seaweeds are much higher in minerals than land plants, especially the trace mineral iodine. The thyroid must have sufficient amounts of iodine to function properly otherwise hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism will result. The soil is depleted of many life sustaining properties, putting a strain on society to try and fill in the gaps – of which iodine is a main one!
Bee Pollen
Bee pollen is a miraculous feat of nature generated by the bees providing vitamins, minerals, enzymes and a complete source of protein containing all twenty two amino acids.
Edible Yeast
Nutritional yeast is another superior supplement and an excellent source of all B vitamins and minerals such as selenium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, chromium and potassium. This product is not related to bakers yeast. It is also an exceptional source of protein, possessing all the essential amino acids and abundant nucleic acids, including RNA factors.
Small Powerhouses
High in nutrients, low in calories; berries, nuts and seeds are nature’s powerhouse foods loaded with anti-aging and immune enhancing properties.
The beneficial bacteria in our bodies Lacto-acidophilus and Bifidus strains) is a largest part of our immune system (85%) and must be maintained and available on a regular basis to the body. Eat plenty of plain yogurt or kefir, or take supplements to ensure this very important component is properly supported.
Influences of Stress
Most people struggle to maintain exercise in their daily routines. The human body is designed for movement and becomes sluggish when the majority of ones activity is sitting behind a desk. A body is more fatigued from mental work than from physical work. The entire body is uplifted when the oxygen level is increased on a cellular level. Only through motion can our heart rate and breathing (lungs) be raised sufficiently to benefit the whole system. Mental work cannot raise the oxygen levels in our bodies. Incorporate exercise into family outings whenever possible to benefit the physical and emotional health of the body.
In contrast, any activity that you find calming to the mind and relaxing will help relieve stress while strengthening the family unit. Difficulties are often related to a lack of communication increasing vulnerability to stress. Other factors such as unemployment, not being close to ones parents and family, inability to discuss personal problems, loneliness, exhaustion and poor diet elevate stress that puts a load on the whole family. Overwhelming situations are better dealt with by an optimist than a pessimist. On the whole, a person maintaining a positive outlook will more easily ride out the stressful periods than a pessimistic one. A positive attitude will help confront a problem head on.
To maintain a state of homeostasis our bodies must be constantly renewed. Without the necessary elements supplied through our food, the body will become malnourished and diseased. These building blocks are a genetic, encoded part of the human body. It is apparent that man has been changing his environment for these many years but the needs of the body have not altered. Whether it’s the air we breathe or the chemical constituents found in the soil and water – our requirements remain the same.
Copyright © 2016 – All Rights Reserved – Michelle Honda Ph.D.
Look for my new forthcoming books “Reverse Heart Disease Naturally” (Jan.31, 2017) and “Reverse Inflammation Naturally” (May 31, 2017) and “Reverse Thyroid Diseases Naturally” (Fall 2017)
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While close attention was given to the accuracy of information in this article, the author accepts neither responsibility nor liability to any person with respect to injury, damage, loss or any circumstances involving alleged causes directly or indirectly related to the information in this article. The sole purpose is to educate and broaden ones awareness. This information is not meant to replace medical advice or services provided by a health care professional.
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