How to Treat Depression and Anxiety Without Medication
Mood disorders for all ages are bordering on epidemic proportions throughout the world. Our modern lifestyle has changed our inherent balance primarily through technology. We no longer rest when the sun goes down or eat food that is whole and …
Read MoreNatural Treatment for Depression and Anxiety
Treating emotional imbalances that affect patient’s day to day existence is a core component in my practice. I am passionate about helping them achieve a med free life. The medications for these depression and anxiety are life altering (and not …
Read MoreSafe Supplements for Children
Research continues to highlight the presence and severity of childhood disorders directly linked to an inadequate diet. The sad fact is that many children prefer processed food. These studies have also established the necessity of quality supplements to ensure a …
Read MoreBest Protocol to Reduce Inflammation in the Body Fast
Inflammation has rapidly gained a bad reputation, but you may be surprised to learn that inflammation is among your body’s best friends. Inflammation works to stave off the constant bombardment of unwanted pathogens that are part of our everyday environment. …
Read MoreNatural Alternatives to Popular Pain Medication
Pain affects more North Americans than any other disorder. Natural healing therapies relieve pain by calming the nerves and increase circulation to promote healing without suppressing the condition. Natural therapies include the use of enzymes, amino acids, minerals and COX-2 …
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