Adrenal Health Best Supplements

Posted on Feb 17, 2016 in Health Conditions, Healthy Living, Natural Health, Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements

Adrenal Health Best Supplements

The following information is centered on the Nutritional Support for these Over Achievers: the Adrenal Glands. The recommendations include the best choice herbs that really reduce stress and enhance stamina. Amino acids play a paramount role in glandular health. Other specific supplements and the nutrients found in them provide a wide collection of benefits other than individual support and boosting of adrenal glands. When purchasing glandular support such as adrenal, look for combination products that offer a wider range of components to provide a quicker response.

Nutritional Recommendations for Adrenal Glands

B5 (pantothenic acid) is earmarked for the adrenals. Full adrenal support and a B complex are also helpful. Glands in general want high quality protein and fats. Essential fatty acids (EFA’s) are a type of good fat that the body requires for proper functioning and restoring. EFA’s are always earmarked for the Endocrine system as a whole. Look for the follow-up post on Pantothenic Acid – B5 for additional support.

*In reference to “a full adrenal or full thyroid support” these are specialized combination products available through practitioners or health food stores. This type of supplement offers more support. Products such as these may be a combination of desiccated glandular extracts or a combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs and amino acids.

A broad range of vitamins and minerals should be considered when supporting the adrenal glands. Adequate nutrition through diet and supplements will lower cortisol output while aiding and relieving stress. Cravings will also subside.

Adaptogenic Herbs

Since ancient times herbal remedies have been sought after for their medicinal and healing properties. Adaptogenic herbs are a reference to the nourishing and balancing qualities of a plant. These and other plants are used to increase strength, energy and stamina. They also provide calming of the nerves and stress related conditions while assisting sleep.

* Adaptogenic herbs “specifically” will not stimulate or sedate beyond normal body levels.

Nourishing adaptogenic herbs have been used in countries such as Asia, India and Russia for centuries, to improve mental performance, memory, enhancing physical activity and its performance, while reducing stress.


Rhodiola rosea is found in high altitudes of Eastern Europe and Asia. It is used for a wide variety of tasks some of which include fortifying against the cold, speedier recovery, mental enhancement, stamina, and enhances the feel good neurotransmitters in the brain.

Ginseng – Siberian

Another Adaptogenic herb is known as Siberian ginseng. Ginseng is found in several varieties and has established itself as a body enhancing herb. Because ginseng has been used for over 2000 years by the Chinese, its attributes has been hailed throughout most of the world. Siberian ginseng is noted for strengthening the body against toxins, radiation, strong drugs such as chemotherapy and helps the body resist infections. Ginseng increases stamina, fights fatigue, helps allergic conditions and is wonderful for boosting the immune system. The list of benefits and usage throughout the body is extensive.


Also known as winter cherry, Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic herb. There are references to it being an Indian ginseng which is not correct. Again similar to Chinese ginseng, Ashwagandha has been used for many purposes for over 3000 years. To name but a few applications for this remarkable herb would include the treatment of bronchitis, asthma, ulcers, fatigue, depression, exhaustion, inflammation, insomnia, dementia, lowering stress and improve sexual dysfunction. As well as many metabolic functions like lowering cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids in adequate amounts: fish oil and seed oils like flax and chia.

Wild salmon oil or other reputable company for fish oil and flax seed oil has almost exactly the same levels of GLA’s although far less expensive. In my first book I have extensive information about these fats – otherwise refer to ‘Top 12 Reasons to Take Omega 3 Fatty Acids’ – showing why many systems and areas may breakdown from an imbalance of dietary fats without sufficient omega 3 fatty acids. It is a light bulb moment. Concentrate on just omega 3 fatty acids for supplementation. We cook with omega 6 and 9’s are produced by the body.

Freshly Made Juice

Raw vegetable juice: Include carrots, beet, and a leafy green such as dandelion, kale and parsley. Refer to my several posts for extensive information about juicing vegetables, greens and fruit, as well as raw food, smoothies and more.

View Best Health series for Juicing Vegetables, Greens, Fruit and Smoothies for Healing and Disease Prevention and Iodine Best Supplements for Health. Also because the thyroid and adrenal glands are so intricately intertwined view Thyroid Health posts.

Supplements that are highly beneficial: Antioxidants, EFA’s, vitamin C, E, and all B vitamins, magnesium alone or coupled with calcium, and zinc with 2 mg of copper

Phosphatidylserine: useful for both underactive and overactive adrenal dysfunction.

This amino acid derivative is also referred to as a fatty substance called a phospholipid which is found in high amounts in the brain. One of its functions is to protect the cells in the brain and carries messages between them. Fish oil is a high source and white beans are bit higher than other foods.

Bee pollen

Algae: Chlorella or blue green algae

Amino acid complex

Hormone replacements: check with your physician for Pregnenolone, DHEA

Avoid stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, pop, sugar and excessive carbohydrates

Look for the following 2 posts

Adrenal Health Functioning and Testing

Pantothenic Acid – B5 Supplement

Copyright © 2016 – All Rights Reserved – Michelle Honda Ph.D.


Look for my new forthcoming books “Reverse Heart Disease Naturally” (Jan.31, 2017) and “Reverse Inflammation Naturally” (May 31, 2017) and “Reverse Thyroid Diseases Naturally” (Fall 2017)

Reverse Heart Disease Naturally 9781578266630


The adrenal glands are a crucial part of empowering the body to heal. Forreverse-gut-diseases-naturally- this reason they along with thyroid gland hold significant space in my book Reverse Gut Diseases Naturally. All aspects of the body interrelates on a consistent basis. Never separate from itself. Within the pages of my book explains how to go about boosting the body as a whole regardless of the ailment you are currently suffering with.

Get the best adrenal supplements in Phoenix, Dallas, Portland, Baltimore, Louisville and Sacramento with Michelle Honda PhD Holistic Doctor. Because of the breadth of her clinical experience and education, she is an natural health expert. You can renew radiant health via safe natural health solutions whether you are coping with diabetes, heart disease, hormone issues, women’s issues, skin problems or gastrointestinal disorders like Crohn’s or Colitis.

Michelle’s book Reverse Gut Diseases Naturally is a fabulous body of work that provides Crohn’s & Colitis solutions and heals other gut disorders like IBS, celiac disease and more. It provides solutions, strategies and natural remedies to heal and restore normal health, many times to full symptom abatement. Her results are so unparalleled for her Colitis and Crohn’s patients that many think of her as unbelievably remarkable. Her next books are going to be published on reversing inflammation naturally and reversing heart disease and cholesterol naturally in 2017-2018. Many people doing this holistic and nutrition work are amazed at how their life can start to change shortly from Michelle’s safe solutions, natural remedies and diet. A normal healthy life awaits you again. Get started today.

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Where to Purchase the Book

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While close attention was given to the accuracy of information in this article, the author accepts neither responsibility nor liability to any person with respect to injury, damage, loss or any circumstances involving alleged causes directly or indirectly related to the information in this article. The sole purpose is to educate and broaden ones awareness. This information is not meant to replace medical advice or services provided by a health care professional.

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