N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a highly stabilized supplement form of cysteine essential for making the powerful antioxidant glutathione. NAC’s primary role and value is in its function in antioxidant production. Sufficient quantities of the amino acid cysteine and NAC, is important for a variety of health reasons, besides replenishing the most crucial antioxidant in our body, glutathione, of which two other amino acids are involved in glutathione production (glutamine and glycine). Collectively, these amino acids also assist with brain health, chronic respiratory conditions and fertility. Because glutathione is key to detoxification, it prevents and diminishes kidney and liver damage.1, 2
Adequate amounts of glutathione are imperative for neutralizing free radicals that can damage cells and tissues in your body. Know that research shows many children who acquire the symptoms of Autism, are born with 50% less glutathione compared to healthy children. Oxidative stress damages their young developing brains. Free radicals are squashed by glutathione and other antioxidants.
Realizing that antioxidants protect cellular damage, NAC is also essential for immune health and promotes longevity. Research studies continue to show that when there is a drop in our immune system, glutathione levels decline in alarming amounts. We must have adequate reserves of glutathione in our liver (which is our second phase of detoxification). Without sufficient levels of glutathione the cells in our body are left open to attack from unstable free radicals. Our bodies are bombarded by millions of toxins and airborne substances daily – we need protection. 3
How it Works
Briefly, upon recognition of foreign invaders, NAC signals glutathione to the sight of the threat and after a short interaction, these problematic free radicals are accompanied to the liver to be excreted from the body.
It should come as no surprise that supplementing with NAC will have a strong positive effect on the respiratory system. Because NAC has a potent mucolytic (mucus dissolving) agents, it is regularly recommended to smokers and those exposed to second-hand smoke as well as people with chronic respiratory problems like pneumonia and bronchitis.
By glutathione being influenced by NAC, levels of glutathione are being raised in the lungs along with a reduction in inflammation in the bronchial tubes and lung tissue. Therefore NAC has improved the symptoms of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung deterioration and exacerbations and chronic bronchitis. In light of NAC relieving conditions like COPD and bronchitis, NAC could help improve other lung and respiratory tract conditions such as asthma and cystic fibrosis. 4, 5, 5a
Cancer Prevention
By reducing cell oxidation and abnormal cell growth caused by free radicals, an increasing number of researchers put forward that NAC shows great promise in the prevention of some forms of cancer. Good news for smokers and tobacco chewers for they stand to benefit the most, as NAC has shown to stave off the early signs of leukoplakia.
Due to NAC’s strong antioxidant properties and ability to purge the body of dangerous toxins, it has shown to be effective in treating acetaminophen and alcohol poisoning. A growing number of consumers swear by NAC’s ability to help them control their alcoholism and other chemical addictions.
Withdrawal symptoms and cravings were both decreased in patients suffering with addiction to cocaine, marijuana and nicotine. It also helped prevent relapse in the cocaine patients. 6,7,8,9
In actual fact, physicians regularly administer intravenous (IV) NAC to people with an acetaminophen overdose, to prevent or reduce kidney and liver damage. 9
Depressive Disorders
NAC is demonstrating positive benefits for those who suffer with depression, bipolar, schizophrenia and OCD. Glutamate is the most important neurotransmitter in our brain and NAC helps regulate levels of glutamate. 10,11,12
Similarly, animal studies demonstrated NAC to also decrease negative symptoms of schizophrenia in the way of apathy, reduced attention spans and social withdrawal. 13
Likewise, an animal study implied that NAC may minimize negative effects of schizophrenia, such as social withdrawal, apathy and reduced attention spans 13
Protects Brain Function
NAC shines in the area of brain function by protecting cells from deterioration that generate the neurotransmitter dopamine. Because of NAC’s strong antioxidant capabilities, tremors have improved in Parkinson’s patients as well as dopamine function. 14
Also, other brain and memory problems like Alzheimer’s disease, and a broad range of learning problems; NAC shows great promise of benefit in these areas, since it helps regulate glutamate levels and reestablishes and enhances glutathione. 14
Heart Disease
We are now well familiar with NAC’s ability to reduce oxidative cell damage, for this reason it is suggested for reducing heart disease by lowering oxidative tissue damage in the heart. 15,16
NAC also increases nitric oxide production which assists in vein dilation while also improving blood flow. Overall, NAC increases blood transit time back to the heart which in and of itself, reduces one’s risk of heart attack.
Enhance Your Body to Make NAC
Supplemental Dosage
There actually isn’t any specific dietary recommendation for cysteine, because our body’s produce small amounts.
However, in order for our body to make the amino acid cysteine, it requires adequate amounts of folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. These vitamins can be found in beans, lentils, spinach, bananas, tuna and salmon.
Even though the majority of protein rich foods, such as chicken, turkey, yogurt, cheese, eggs, sunflower seeds and legumes contain cysteine, you have the option of supplementing with NAC to increase your cysteine levels.
Dosage: NAC is not well absorbed in supplement form, therefore as an oral supplement the suggested dosage is 600 -1,800 mg of NAC. 17,18
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N-acetylcysteine in COPD: why, how, and when? Claudio M. Sanguinetti
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