Only one appointment was needed for a successful disease reversal for an eleven year young man with Crohn’s – following the Quick Start Program in my book “Reverse Gut Diseases Naturally”. This patient had Crohn’s disease for about one year prior to this initial visit, and had been on Prednisone for 7 weeks with one more week to follow, plus Methotexate weekly. His first appointment was on March 4, 2015. I did not hear from his parents until Dec. 9, 2015. View his healing story!
First Appointment March 4, 2015
Even though he had been on these strong meds, his symptoms persisted along with a loss of weight. The young mans appearance was typical of many patients – pale, circles under the eyes, under weight, no energy, poor digestion and having a hard time finding something to eat that doesn’t trigger symptoms. Other symptoms included diarrhea, low B12, iron levels and folic acid (common for Crohn’s disease). The drug Methotexate also lowers iron levels in the body. Follow the same treatment plans and solutions for conditions of Ulcerative Colitis that involve similar complaints to that of Crohn’s disease.
Patients Protocol
The patient’s treatment regimes and diet included healing teas to be consumed daily until sufficient healing had taken place. Be aware that the diet and healing solutions would be for Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis (which is similar in symptom complaints). The tea consisted of two herbs, combining the properties of demulcent (soothing and lubricating) and astringent and tissue knitter (repair of intestinal lining and treating diarrhea or bleeding). It also included a few minerals, essential fats, amino acids and immune boosting supplements to correct his deficiencies and empower his body to heal. My vegetable juice formula is also a major part of the program – daily. These essential nutrients and elements to restore the body are included in the Quick Start Program and more detailed throughout the book for broader explanation.
*This is not the first time I have witnessed full recoveries for severe gut disorders with only one initial appointment by following the solutions and programs outlined in my book, as well as being medication free. It has now become evident that these results are attainable for people of all ages and levels of severity for (Crohn’s or Colitis and other gut disorders) by following the protocols and natural remedies outlined in Reverse Gut Diseases Naturally.
Benefits That Can Be Yours When the Body is Properly Supported
Return Appointment Dec. 9, 2015 – I had no contact from the patient’s parents since our first initial visit (March 4, 2015). When dealing with children that have severe symptoms and poor health, I typically suggest a follow-up visit two weeks later, to see how things are progressing along. As you can see from the dates, I did not get a return visit for monitoring this patients healing progress.
I was told that the young man had been symptom free within weeks of our initial appointment. There was no need to repeat prednisone. Upon first seeing him, he looked great, big smile and bright blue eyes. His weight was a healthy normal and he has remained very active doing a high energy sport of hockey. I asked about his current state of health: Energy – he said he had lots of energy and no symptoms; in fact he had a real hard time remembering when he had one last.
He attended summer camp and was still symptom free. The patient had also stopped the tea at the beginning of summer (before summer camp) and mostly stopped juicing (which would not have been my recommendation) for reasons of a quality food and natural supplement source. I did relay my reasons for the continuance of this form of food: It is a promoter of good health, even health insurance to have this type of raw food into ones diet – at least on a semi-regular basis.
* Remember that anyone who suffers with gut disorders that have escalated to the disease stage has very limited food intake. Therefore the body perpetually becomes weaker as malnourishment and malabsorption continues to enhance. The benefit of juicing for its healing aspects and maintenance of health and easily digested foods are well documented in my book RGDN.
Diet and Supplements
The patient had kept up with my supplement recommendations. The food preparation, initially, included raw liquids, vegetable mainly and some fruits; easily digested foods in the form of soups, smoothies or coarsely ground. The diet expanded fairly quickly for this patient as he began to gain significant improvement within weeks.
Good News
The good new is the healing treatment plans, solutions and diet in the Quick Start Program in my book worked for his entire disease symptom complaints. The goal and aim I have for my book is for people to be able to complete a disease reversal process by following the step-by-step guidelines in “Reverse Gut Diseases Naturally”. Fortunately I am seeing and hearing more and more evidence of this occurrence – as healing takes hold, symptoms quickly fade away as patients start to feel better and stronger.
The parents had the confidence to continue with the changes in their son’s daily routine and did not feel the need to follow-up with me, since his symptoms systematically went away and had remained so. A final note on the drug Methotexate: Because there was no contact with me and they didn’t see it as much of a problem, their son ended remaining on the lowest dosage possible (2.5mg once a week) of this drug until this appointment. In cases where healing is occurring and symptoms are drastically decreasing, the need for this drug would not have been required within weeks of the initial appointment – especially since he was able to stop the much stronger medication prednisone.
*In my book RGDN you can view a much more severe case history with another young man using this same program, his parents did stop his Methotexate medication as soon as symptoms stabilized and the patient felt stronger (which was only 2 weeks) in his case.
Know that there are safe, effective natural solutions available to fully restore your health. Awareness and knowledge is the key and also the problem since there doesn’t seem to be any invested interest in curing a disease condition in the drug world we live in.
Copyright © 2015 – All Rights Reserved – Michelle Honda Ph.D.
Look for my new forthcoming books “Reverse Heart Disease Naturally” (Jan.31, 2017) and “Reverse Inflammation Naturally” (summer 2017) and “Reverse Thyroid Diseases Naturally” (fall 2017)
If you want an alternative approach that really works, pick up a copy of ‘Reverse Gut Diseases Naturally’. This may seem hard to believe but you will be able to achieve the same results at home as if you saw Michelle Honda as a patient. This book truly is a hand holding “step by step’ guide that covers all contributing symptoms of Crohn’s, Colitis and other mainstream gut disorders.
Eradicate Colitis or Crohn’s in Washington, Houston, Seattle, Oklahoma City, Jacksonville or Sacramento with Reverse Gut Diseases Naturally. Natural diet and solutions affords you a normal life once again. Acquire the book and get on this Holistic Doctor’s program. Michelle Honda PhD has produced great recoveries in many extreme and difficult cases of Colitis and Crohn’s. And now you can replicate the same for yourself with ALL of her information contained in her book. Get started today and get control of your life again.
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