From the onset of pregnancy to delivery and postpartum – onto treating infant and young children’s common aliments – learn about safe, natural solutions to ward off sleepless nights!
New moms experience all kinds of changes during and following pregnancy. Prenatal nutrition and lifestyle are paramount while the body is adapting to accommodate this new life. Researchers have shown that the diet can have a profound effect during pregnancy on the child’s future mental and physical state of health.
Important Nutrients
Compelling research provides evidence of the major role the trace mineral iodine plays, especially from the third trimester on. It dictates that a deficiency of iodine is the number one cause of the most severe cases of mental insufficiency and one of the main contributing factors for infertility. Supplemental iodine should be consumed regularly and is a natural component of kelp, algae, seaweed, nori or liquid iodine drops. Furthermore, most of the essential fats (EPA and DHA) deposit in the fetus during the last ten weeks of pregnancy. To ensure adequate intake, supplement with triple fish oil softgels.
According to the National Academy of Science, the daily requirement of acetylcholine for pregnant women is 450 mg. and lactating women 550 mg. The enzyme choline which is the building block for acetylcholine, controls brain functions involving thought, memory, speech, creativity, self esteem to name a few. Lecithin is a natural food source of choline.
Postnatal Depression
Postnatal depression commonly follows a birth, usually lasting a few days or for some women several months. Fatigue from nutrient depletion is often the cause, in particular of B vitamins, iron and other minerals, along with all essential amino acids. Other helpful supplements are green drinks, bee pollen, royal jelly and magnesium (the natural relaxer).
Breast Feeding
Nature offers an abundant choice of herbs for all stages of pregnancy. Breast feeding is the finest start a mother can provide to her child. The following formula will commence milk production and help sustain a sufficient amount for the desired duration. A concoction of Goats Rue, Vervain, Fenugreek, Aniseed, Blessed Thistle and Fennel can be safely drunk three times a day as an infusion by combining one or two tablespoons of herb per cup of water. Parsley and Sage will dry up Mothers milk.
Treat Common Childhood Illnesses Naturally
To assist new mom’s and their infants consider the gentle healing power of herbs.
As a safety measure when introducing a new plant or substance to your child, do a patch test. Apply a small amount of product to the inner arm and leave for twenty four hours. Discontinue if any skin irritations or other symptoms arise. The following suggestions aid many childhood illnesses.
Catnip, Chamomile and Fennel tea will soothe and relax the baby and mother. When administering herbs to an infant, a general rule is one third the adult dose.
Yeast Problems
Acidophilus culture aids diaper rash, stubborn yeast infections, diarrhea, constipation and earaches. Sugary baby foods, juices and too much medication is often the culprit.
Diaper Rash
Calendula salve or an herbal blend of Comfrey, St. John’s Wort and Aloe Vera gel. And probiotics as prementioned.
For babies, weak licorice tea or a small amount of Mullein added to warm water is beneficial. A nursing mom should watch her diet, avoiding high fat dairy foods, wheat, eggs, cheese and processing foods until her infant’s constipation clears up. Young children on up, require high fiber foods and herbs (not laxative in nature) into their daily diet. These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, molasses, ground flax seeds, psyllium, slippery elm, carob powder, fennel seeds and licorice root.
Lobelia extract, Chamomile and Peppermint oil or Aloe Vera gel may be rubbed on the gums to provide relief. Weak herbal teas are excellent for calming the nerves such as Catnip, Fennel and Chamomile.
Mullein ear oil is an effective remedy for ear infections and pain. Also acidophilus is helpful and avoid mucus forming foods such as dairy, wheat, sugar, eggs, sweet juices and processed foods. Persistent ear infections may be due to allergies.
Eating Habits
Developing good eating habits is a child’s best defense against disease. Expose your children to a variety of foods early on to widen their preferences later in life. Monitor processed foods and sugar consumption. The Journal of Pediatrics in April 2005 reveals the sugar intake of two to three year old children averages 14 teaspoons a day and jumps to 17 teaspoons daily (mostly from pop) in four to five year old children. Sugar is highly addicting, leaches calcium and wreaks havoc on the nervous system.
Involve children in the meal planning and preparation. Teach them what it means to “eat right.” By choosing foods that promote health and avoiding foods that deplete health, will offset the majority of health problems children face today.
Copyright © 2016 – All Rights Reserved – Michelle Honda Ph.D.
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While close attention was given to the accuracy of information in this article, the author accepts neither responsibility nor liability to any person with respect to injury, damage, loss or any circumstances involving alleged causes directly or indirectly related to the information in this article. The sole purpose is to educate and broaden ones awareness. This information is not meant to replace medical advice or services provided by a health care professional.
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