Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome Treatment
Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (WKS) is a serious condition that arises as a consequence of chronic alcoholism and is classified under dementias caused by nutritional deficiencies. This syndrome is characterized by two interconnected, yet distinct phases: Wernicke encephalopathy and Korsakoff syndrome. Central …
Read MoreAlcohol and Depression: Which Came First?
Many who struggle with symptoms of depression will attest that alcohol relieves their feelings of stress and anxiety. And in small doses, taken infrequently, this may be the case…but what happens when it becomes a habitual remedy, one which then …
Read MoreNew Release: Naturally Reverse Depression
Even the most severe forms of depression, with multiple medications and their symptoms can be successfully reversed and drug free using whole natural foods and products as case histories show in Reverse Depression Naturally. Depression worldwide is spreading like a …
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