Conventional Treatment Options for Atherosclerosis
When one is at risk, due to this condition, of having atherosclerotic coronary vessels, traditional medicine offers several choices. The mainstream procedure involves surgery to remove clean veins from the legs or other small arteries and implant them into the heart to restore myocardial circulation (known as coronary bypass surgery). Other methods include using intravascular devices to clear the obstructed areas in the blood vessels (balloon angioplasty). However, this inflated balloon procedure is only applicable when clearing a very localized obstruction.
Similar to an angioplasty, another catheter option (called a fiberscope) involves the surgeon peering into the blood vessel while temporarily cutting off the blood flow, and then sending out a laser beam to vaporize the obstruction. These intravascular devices are far less risky and less expensive overall, compared to bypass surgery.
Warning Signs for Atherosclerosis
The sooner one receives medical attention after the onset of any physical signs of distress, the greater the chances are of reducing permanent heart damage. It is critical that those at risk not take any of following symptoms lightly (as even chest pain can be a sign of up to a 50 percent reduction in critical blood flow):
• A constricting sensation of the chest, as though it’s being squeezed
• Pressure and tightness in the chest or arm
• Sharp pain that involves cramping or burning
• Indigestion that lingers
• Numbness in the arms, wrists, or shoulder region
• Discomfort or pain in the upper quadrant of the body, including the neck and jaw
• Difficulty breathing
• Light headedness, dizzy or feeling faint
Atherosclerosis Treatments: The Pros and Cons
All of these medical procedures (which can be life-saving) have the same shortcoming: These methods do nothing to address the underlying disease. Given time, new blockages will be formed (restenoses). Studies are also revealing problems of reocclusion due to the angioplasty procedure itself, where patients are seeing extra scar tissue formation owing to the vessels being injured during the operation. Meanwhile, cholesterol medications have proven to be unable to remove fatty plaques, while their side effects continue to do more harm than good. And while other drugs can be employed to drastically thin the blood (to dissolve clots), all of them have their own list of complications.
To learn more about the “full reversal” process of atherosclerosis -treatment and prevention – pick-up my heart disease book that covers all aspects and related complications of heart disease“Reverse Heart Disease Naturally” No matter the age, arteriosclerosis is reversible!
Copyright © 2017 – All Rights Reserved – Michelle Honda Ph.D.
Look for my new forthcoming books “Reverse Heart Disease Naturally” (Jan.31, 2017) “Reverse Inflammation Naturally” (May 31, 2017) “Reverse Thyroid Diseases Naturally” (June 2018) and “Reverse Alzheimers/Dementia Naturally” (Nov. 18, 2018), “Reverse Depression Naturally” (2019)
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While close attention was given to the accuracy of information in this article, the author accepts neither responsibility nor liability to any person with respect to injury, damage, loss or any circumstances involving alleged causes directly or indirectly related to the information in this article. The sole purpose is to educate and broaden ones awareness. This information is not meant to replace medical advice or services provided by a health care professional.
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