What is the Best Treatment of Hirsutism
The extent of excessive hair growth coincides with the amount of male hormones in the body. All women have a certain amount of these hormones, and it does vary in degrees from person to person. Depending on hereditary, what may …
Read MoreHelp To Say ‘No” to Sugar
We could go as far as to say that “sugar is evil”. If there is such a thing as dark energy in food, commercially made sugar and like products top the list! It’s hard to argue with these descriptions when …
Read MoreMust Have Supplements for People Over 40
When attempting to figure out what supplements will best serve you as we age, start with what your body requires the most of for proper functioning, maintenance and repair. Science has made great strides in discovering what nature has to …
Read MoreReverse Thyroid Disease Naturally
NEW BOOK RELEASE: REVERSE THYROID DISEASES NATURALLY – JUNE 2018 – Michelle Honda PhD. Click title below for much more info: Reverse Thyroid Diseases Naturally...
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