I routinely recommend liquid chlorophyll for the restoring of tissue and remineralization; and for its alkalizing and healing effects. It may interest you to know that in an emergency, liquid chlorophyll could be used as a blood transfusion. During my academic years, the students were aware that the heart tissue of an animal remained living for years with only chlorophyll pumping through it. For many more benefits and attributes of liquid chlorophyll, view the list below for an insight into this concentrated green juice.
There are also studies where the blood in living rats has been completely removed and replaced with chlorophyll – and they lived.
For anemia that is related to low iron or ferritin levels, I recommend liquid chlorophyll and not iron supplements. Inorganic iron is a huge problem of which I have recently posted.
Gastric ulcers and acid reflux is tremendously benefited by sipping chlorophyll in water throughout the day. It instantly alkalizes relieving nausea and heartburn. By sipping it often the sphincter is allowed to heal and not be constantly bombarded by stomach acid splashing up into this area. Acid reflux does require more details but know that the constant usage of antacids only promotes the problem, worsening the condition overtime.
Heat Burn
For acute heart burn especially while trying to sleep. keep liquid chlorophyll mixed with water by the bedside. For this instance make the solution stronger: 2 to 3 teaspoons into 1 cup of water. Drink immediately upon pain/burning impact. May need more chlorophyll solution to follow. This also applies during the day. If this is a chronic and ongoing condition. be sure to keep chlorophyll mixed with water near by.
Chlorophyll is available in concentrated drops for easy transportation or as indicated above, carry a bottle of water mixed with chlorophyll and sip throughout the day to ward off severe incidences of heart burn.
*There are natural, effective protocols for healing gastritis and acid reflux problems.
The following list of benefits is only partial when describing the many benefits offered by the high mineral content found in the green juice of plants.
1. Greatly Raises Blood Count
2. Provides Iron to Organs and Glands
3. Counteracts Toxicity from Foods and Drinks
4. Instantly Alkalizing to the Stomach
5. Perfect to Help Heal Acid Reflux and Stomach Ulcers
6. Excellent for Lymph System Cleansing
7. Perfect for Anemic Conditions
8. Deodorizes Bowel Tissues – Reduces Bowel Gas Odor
9. Fundamental in Phase One Liver Detoxification
10. Improves the condition Hepatitis
11. Helps in the Regulation for Menstruation
12. Feeds Heart Tissues Iron as well as other tissues
13. Helps the condition of Hemophilia
14. Assists in all Blood Sugar (glucose) Regulation
15. Improves Asthmatic Condition – More oxygen in cells
16. Increases Iron Content in Milk
17. Improves Milk Production
18. Green rejuvenates the Body – Helps Sores Heal Faster
19. Eliminates Body Odors – Especially Smoking and Excessive Alcohol Usage
20. Resists Bacteria by Strengthen the Immune System
21. Beneficial for Cleaning Teeth and Gums in Pyorrhea – Antibacterial Effects
22. Improves Nasal Drainage and Inhibits Nasal Drip
23. Reduces all Body Odors requiring Deodorants
24. Wonderful for Bad Breath – Humans and Animals
25. Helps Relieve Sore Throat Infections and Throat Inflammation
26. Soothes and helps Heal Painful Hemorrhoids and Piles
27. Aids Catarrhal Discharges – Thick accumulated Mucus in the Body
28. Rejuvenates and Improves the Visceral System throughout the Body
29. Helps Alleviate Pain Caused by Inflammation
Copyright © 2019 – All Rights Reserved – Michelle Honda Ph.D.
Look for my new forthcoming books “Reverse Depression Naturally” (Spring 2020) “Reverse Inflammation Naturally” (May 31, 2017) “Reverse Thyroid Diseases Naturally” (June 2018) “Reverse Alzheimers/Dementia Naturally” (Nov.2018) “Reverse Heart Disease Naturally” (Jan.31, 2017) and “Reverse Gut Diseases Naturally Nov. 2016
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Reverse Heart Disease Naturally Jan. 2017
Reverse Inflammation Naturally May 2017
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While close attention was given to the accuracy of information in this article, the author accepts neither responsibility nor liability to any person with respect to injury, damage, loss or any circumstances involving alleged causes directly or indirectly related to the information in this article. The sole purpose is to educate and broaden ones awareness. This information is not meant to replace medical advice or services provided by a health care professional.
Hi, I just stumbled by chance onto your webpage/blog. I am very impessed with your info on chlorophyll especially the parts relating to blood and closeness of chlorophyll and our own blood. Why don’t they use it for emergency transfusions and save a lot of problems?)
I was actually researching the relationship between ferritin levels and chlorophyll.
I have been using liquid chlorophyll for approximately 3 weeks now and it is the chlorophyllin form.
Do you think the natural chlorophyll is superior to the chlorophyllin form or does it not matter?
I also suffer from hiatus hernia and reflux which has led to short stem Barretts oesophagus. I just read your comments about chlorophyll and acid reflux etc. Last night I had the best nights sleep without any acid discomfort and just remembered that for the first time I actually had 20mls of chlorophyll before going to bed. I normally taje it first thing in the mirning so now I am going to try your idea of sipping the chlorophyll during the day. how much do you think O should mix in a 500 ml bottle?
thanx again and kind regards
Wayne Trumble
NSW Australia.
Hi Wayne,
Firstly, unfortunately all natural medicine/substances cannot be patented – this is why they will not use them medically. I personally use and recommend chlorophyll even though chlorophyllin has a specific action – it is still part of the whole. Depending on concentration (liquid or drops) you would need to refer to product suggestions, however I mix 2 teaspoons of liquid concentrate to 500 ml of water.
Michelle Honda
Was reading your post about the amount to take. I have been taking taking liquid form and bottle says to take 2 tablespoons to 8 oz water daily. I am concerned that perhaps I am taking too much since you indicate teaspoons. I take Nat Sunshine brand. Is there a difference in brands? What brand do you take? Also, I like the idea of sipping all day.
Hi Dinah,
The dosage all depends on the reason for taking chlorophyll, such as more if you had anemia and to be taken on a regular basis unless blood work indicated less was required to maintain healthy levels. Sipping has to do with those suffering with acid reflux or gastric ulcers or like. It is as discussed that our hemoglobin is almost an identical matrix to the green juice in plants (chlorophyll). You are not taking too much. There are rare conditions that would not welcome increased iron levels of which you would already be aware of. Nat Sunshine brand has unwanted chemicals in one type but they may have rectified this due to many complaints. Investigate? Otherwise go to a reputable health supplement store and inquire about a safe brand. There are several depending on where you live.
can you please tell me what kind to take, and what is the best to buy to start off with, I went to the local health food market in my area and they only sell the drops, that you take 15 drops three times a day.
Hi Connie,
Health food/supplement stores know of the products they carry and can recommend a quality product.
Thank you so much for such valuable information on chlorophyll. I am passing on to a friend whose teenage daughter suffers with depletion of iron. I believe this information on chlorophyll will be very beneficial.
Hi Daisy,
Glad you found the information helpful.
Thanks kindly,
am having acid reflux and a friend advised I should buy chlorophyll,does it really cure it
Hi Sandra,
Chlorophyll is very helpful when you sip it in water throughout the day and have a stronger mixture in water to be kept by the bed in case of heart burn. It will help neutralize it much quicker. Other remedies are needed in most cases to heal A/R such as regular probiotics, digestive enzymes, not food combing while trying to heal and no coffee and other chemical laden or acid drinks. Chlorophyll keeps the acid away from the esophagus to allow it to tighten and heal.
what kind of food should you avoid when taking chlorophyll?
Hi Ume,
There are no foods to avoid when taking chlorophyll.
Hi there for gastritis and ulcers is it 2 teaspoons in approximately 2 cups of water to be sipped throughout the day or taken all at once l? Thanks in advance
Hi Amy,
Two comments. First the amount you mentioned is correct which is mainly to be sipped throughout the day in order to soothe inflammation and keep your necessary digestive acid away from the sphincter to assist in healing it and overtime tighten. Although certain foods and substances weaken the sphincter and must be addressed in order to fully heal ulcers and acid reflux. For symptoms of heart burn, you would take 1 or 2 teaspoons in 1/2 to 1 cup of water and then drink all at once. Keep by the bed at night for these episodes.
Hi Michelle, is chlorophyll an effective treatment for the LPR form of reflux? I have had a chronic sore throat for over 8 years and it gets worse with extended speaking. Just wondering if this will facilitate the healing of my throat/esophagus?
Thanks in advance!
Hi John
Yes it will help, important to have it available to take at the onset of occurrence and sip throughout the day to prevent the acid from flowing upward. You need a probiotic and zinc daily along with nutrients/elements that are key for body function and restoration.
Hi. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. What kind of chlorophil is best?
Hi Karene,
There are many good brands. Avoid BHA and BHT chemical additives. For more selection, go to the health/supplement stores and ask about the quality. They can be flavored with the mint family or not. I typically recommend the liquid type that can be purchased in a liter size bottle as opposed to the drops in a small bottle.
Will this help heal GERD
Hi Victoria,
It defiantly helps GERD. Add 2 teaspoons to a glass of water and sip throughout the day. It will constantly alkalize any excess acid but we need that acid to digest our food when we eat. The only problem would be meds that take away our acid and the body then over produces when food shows up creating a vicious cycle. Plus these meds cause further inflammation – adding to and increasing symptoms. For heartburn put 2 teaspoons of chlorophyll in 1/2 cup of water by your bed and drink as soon as you feel any heartburn symptoms. I have a published article on my blog for acid reflux with more info on how to heal.
Hie l have low hemoglobin and iron and ferritin due to h pylori. I feel very weak daily would chlorophyll help since am no longer absorbing nutrients from food?also will it help with h pylorie?l have taken abx 4 times to no avail .thank you
Hi Amanda,
Chlorophyll will help low blood levels but in the case of H-pylori there are different strains and even a stubborn one that is inherited. H-pylori requires different remedies to eradicate or to bring down to a normal level.
Hi my name is Robert I was reading the blogs here and I would like to share that I also suffer from acid reflux GERD I do not know if I if I have h-pylori but when I eat my food my food comes back up and I have shortness of breath can someone please help me and maybe give me an idea what I might have I’ve been going to the doctors and I do have appointments
Hi Robert,
There are upper and lower esophageal sphincters, yours are weak allowing food to move upward also known as GERD. Read my comments from the last upward for some recommendations that will be helpful.
What are the rare condition where you’d have too much iron, you mentioned?? If I ingest iron as a supplement my entire body get sore , I believe iron is the reason for this. I have A- blood and have been told I have double red blood cells, or that I could donate red blood cells.
Hi Edy,
The condition may be Hemochromatosis. I have some additional information on too much iron in this piece. Unwanted Iron by the Human Body
Hello Doctor,
I have a situation where as the reflux keeps climbing out of my esophagus and I breathe it in and it’s causing asthma issues of which I’ve never had before. I have since eliminated coffee things that stimulate too much acid and loosen up the sphincter valve at the base of my Esophagus but during this healing phase do you recommend sipping on a good chlorophyll product throughout the day. Let me preface that my diet is organic nutrient rich exceptionally healthy but some bad habits with caffeine and stress that needs to be managed as well. I’m looking to heal this valve and do you feel it’s a simple as doing what I’ve done and creating drinks have Courville or can I use 10 to 20 chlorella tablets per meal or in place of a liquid. The Asthma is new as of last 6 months and coincided with significant acid reflux all day long, I believe if there’s an added benefit of sipping it of course what rinses down the esophagus protecting it. What brand or product do you recommend specifically that may do the trick?
Hi Simone,
In all stomach inflammation, sipping it in water throughout the day is far more beneficial than taking tablets with a meal. For more info concerning your acid reflux, read through my comments to others under this article.
So I have bad stomach problems from the research looks like I have gastritis or stomach ulcers would this help me heal ? Also should I have a diet?
Hi Markus,
Yes it will help. Read through other comments for more help on how. Yes the foods and liquids need to be changed for quicker healing. Certain supplements need to be added as well.
Hello, I was recently diagnosed with h. Pylori. I am opting out of the hard core antibiotic regimen. It scares me more than the h.pylori.Can I safely add chlorophyll to my current regimen of lactobacillus, mastic gum and oil of oregano?
Hi Jax,
Yes you may consume liquid chlorophyll or other freshly made green juice.
Michelle Honda
Dr. Hi. I’m Walter
I’ve got peptic ulcers that are hard on my stomach. Can liquid chlorophyll aid healing them up over how long perhaps? It is really painful thou
Hi Walter
Yes liquid chlorophyll is part of my protocol as with gastritis to soothe and assist the healing process.